Author Topic: What is a bounty ?  (Read 3101 times)


  • Administrator
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What is a bounty ?
« on: June 24, 2024, 12:03:48 pm »
A bounty is a commitment by a user to promote a project based on the project's promotion conditions.

Bounties are not simple actions that can be done by click farms and bots, instead, bounties rely on the ability of the user to act, understand and interact, bounties also sometimes require advance planning.

Some kinds of bounties we allow on this forum:

1- Forum signature bounty:
Our users must have a profile on another forum (established profile, not newly created profile > to avoid bad quality)
On our forum, they join a bounty offering to pay for signature
If they are accepted, they add a signature on their other forum, and continue being active.
Then they update their bounty request here, and get paid by the bounty manager.

2- Social media bounty:
You do not need another forum profile.
Users join the bounty, execute the tasks (that can last for a month or more), and get paid in due time.
A social media bounty is not only simple likes, tweets, retweets, shares.
The social media bounties simulate normal interactions, with our users preparing the role beforehand, and continuing with interactions for a specific period.

3- Bug bounty:
Certain companies are interested in finding vulnerabilities in their projects, thus offer bounties for whomever find a vulnerability.
This is open only for professional software bounty hunters.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2024, 05:02:56 pm by admin »